My name is Josh! The Lord has blessed me with a wonderful wife and two precious kids. I'm the Assistant to the Pastor at Open Bible Baptist in Orange City, FL. I enjoy fishing, disc golf, and a variety of sports from NASCAR to college football. I also enjoy content creation, whether videos or podcast, it's all fun to me!
I began podcasting in 2023 with a show that covered the ins and outs of NASCAR. It was a fun subject to talk about and I had a blast producing it! However, as time went on, I began to realize the show had no eternal value. Sure, it was fun to do but it wasn't changing anyone's life for the better. I thought, "I only have time for one podc
I began podcasting in 2023 with a show that covered the ins and outs of NASCAR. It was a fun subject to talk about and I had a blast producing it! However, as time went on, I began to realize the show had no eternal value. Sure, it was fun to do but it wasn't changing anyone's life for the better. I thought, "I only have time for one podcast, so if I only get one chance to talk about something, I'd rather talk about something that matters, something eternal!" And so, the Pilgrim Project Podcast was created!
I wanted to create a podcast that emphasized the fact that we, as Christians, are only here on earth for a little while. We're just pilgrims passing through on our way to someplace and Someone far, far better! If we live in light of that truth, I believe it will drastically change what is important to us and what is worth working for.
No matter what is discussed on this show, it must be grounded in God's Word. The Bible is our one and only reliable source of truth; therefore, it's truths must be what is communicated. If that is accomplished effectively, the listener can glean from those truths in order to become more like Jesus Christ!
- Study God's Word - Strive for Christlikeness -
We'll have a variety of formats that we'll incorporate as time goes on. We'll have episodes that focus on individual topics, series of episodes that cover a single subject, Q&A's submitted by listeners, and even guests to discuss a variety of topics from Christian living to missions. Whatever it is, I think you'll want to tune in! Be sure to subscribe on your favorite podcast platform so you don't miss out!
Feel free to send it in! I'll do my best to give you an answer directly or it could be answered on an upcoming episode!